Parcours Historique
Les arènes

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    Pour chaque panneau une énigme... Creusez-vous les méninges pour trouver le bon mot. L’ensemble des 18 mots vous donnera la solution finale. 


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    Ces joueurs s’appellent des raseteurs.

    Les raseteurs doivent :

    • éviter les attaques du taureau
    • attraper les décors qui se trouvent entre les cornes du taureau.

    Pour attraper les décors, les joueurs utilisent un crochet.

    Un crochet est un instrument qui ressemble à des griffes.

    Les courses camarguaises ont beaucoup de succès dans la région. 

    Elles se déroulent dans les arènes de Mauguio.

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    English translation of the panel

    The Bullring

    Mauguio’s bullring was built in 1988 in its present form and can accommodate more than 2,000 spectators.  It is located on the site of the former Notre Dame Church cemetery.

    The bullring occupies a central place in the cultural life of the region.  The Camargue races are performed in the arena rather than in the village square.  Representing much more than an art, this Camargue tradition and the associated bovine are a local passion "la fé di biou".  The bull is revered; it comes out of the arena to the cheers of the public and is sometimes even regarded as a hero.  

    The raseteurs, dressed all in white, measure their bravery against the power of the Camargue bull.  To do this, these sportsmen are equipped with a hook and perform "rasets".  The objective is to tear off the attributes tied between the bull's horns (string, tassel, cockade) while escaping the bull's charge.  This practice is supervised by the French Federation of Camargue Races and contributes to the local economy by supporting the activity of the ranches where horses and bulls are bred.  The local population can enjoy the Camargue races at the weekends during Camargue run season (from March to October, known as the Temporada).

    Photo : The Ace Trophy in the village votive festival of 2019

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