Parcours Historique 
La barque de Gaston Baissette 

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    Facile à lire et à comprendre

    L’Etang de l’Or est l’étang qui se trouve près de Mauguio.

    L’Etang de l’Or est un trésor de la nature qu’il faut protéger.

    Autour de cet étang, l’Homme a toujours chassé et pêché.

    Il a aussi construit des cabanes au bord de l’eau.

    Les habitants de ces cabanes s’appellent des cabaniers. 

    Gaston Baissette est un écrivain célèbre.

    Dans ses livres, il raconte la vie des cabaniers de l’Etang de l’Or.

    Gaston Baissette avait aussi une barque.

    Sa barque a été mise dans le parc de l’Etang de l’Or car

    elle est belle et ancienne.

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    Gaston Baissette's boat

    This boat, which belonged to the famous writer Gaston Baisssette, shows the rich ethnological and natural heritage that makes up the Languedoc lagoons, known here as "les cabanes".  

    This richness is illustrated through the know-how, techniques and traditions linked to breeding, hunting and fishing which have dictated human existence since the Neolithic period.  The knowledge of the fauna and flora as well as the imagination linked to these places constitute a real cultural heritage to be safeguarded and enhanced.  Guided by the lines of the book ‘L'Étang de l'Or’ in which Gaston Baissette describes the huts so well, the walker discovers this haven of peace, a symbol of wide open spaces, fantasy and history.

    'L'Étang et sa poésie' is a work in steel created by the sculptor Stephan Péridier to serve as a setting for the boat.  It features a wicker basket representing the fishing activity of the lagoons, the quill for Gaston Baissette's novels and a roof in the shape of a book with a seagull.  The decor around it was created by the municipal technical services.  The boat was bequeathed to the city by the Faucherre family.  This heritage and artistic installation is the result of a partnership between the City and the association 'La Tresse de l'Or'.

    Photo : Gaston Baissette at the Salaison huts in the 1940s

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